Question 19 - Workplace Documents Practice Test for the WorkKeys

According to the attached document, what is one reason an employee’s request for a leave of absence might be denied?

Personal leave without pay is available to eligible employees who wish to take time off from work duties to fulfill personal oblig­ations. Regular full-time and part-time employees are eligible to use personal leave, subject to approval by their supervisors.

Employees may request personal leave only after successfully completing 120 calendar days of service. Personal leave may be granted for a period of up to 15 calendar days every year. If this initial period of absence is insufficient, consideration will be given to a written request for a single extension of no more than ten calendar days.

Employees may take any available PTO prior to the effective date of the personal leave of absence.

Requests for personal leave are evaluated on a number of factors, including anticipated operational requirements and staffing con­siderations during the proposed period of absence.

Subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of the appli­cable plans, Spectrum will continue to provide health insur­ance benefits until the end of the month in which the personal leave begins. At that time, employees will become responsible for the full costs of their health insurance benefits. The employer will resume payment of the costs of these benefits when the employee returns to active employment.

Accruals of benefit calculations, such as vacation, sick leave, or holiday benefits, will be suspended during the leave and will resume upon return to active employment.

When personal leave ends, the employee will return to the same position or to a similar one. If the previous position or a comparable one is not available, an effort will be made to offer another position that is available and suitable. Although every reasonable effort will be made to place an employee at the end of a personal leave, Spectrum cannot guarantee reinstatement in all cases.

If an employee fails to report to work at the expiration of the approved leave period, Spectrum will assume that the employee has resigned.

Retrieved from: Spectrum Printing, LLC

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