Formula Chart for the Heart of Algebra Questions on the SAT® Math Test

Formula Chart for the Heart of Algebra Questions on the SAT® Math Test

A total of 58 Math questions are between you and your dream career. What are you going to do? How can you succeed in the SAT® Math test? First of all, study section by section. The math questions on the SAT® are not divided by math area, but our practice materials are.

A total of 19 out of the 58 Math questions on the actual test will be about the Heart of Algebra. The good news is that you won’t be doing a lot of calculations in these questions, but that means that you have to absolutely dominate handling formulas and mathematical expressions.

To help you with that, we’ve compiled the essential formulas you’ll need to master for the Heart of Algebra questions on the Math Test.

Here are three additional formula charts for the SAT® Math Test:

  1. Problem-Solving and Data Analysis

  2. Passport to Advanced Math

  3. Additional Topics

You can start preparing today by working on our FREE practice test and using this chart:

Category Formula Symbols Comment
Heart of
\(x+a=b \Rightarrow x=b-a\)
\(x-a=b \Rightarrow x=b+a\)
\(x \cdot a=b \Rightarrow x=b \div a\)
\(x \div a=b \Rightarrow x=b \cdot a\)
\(x^a=b \Rightarrow x = \sqrt[a]{b}\)
\(\sqrt[a]{x}= b \Rightarrow x= b^a\)
\(a^x=b \Rightarrow x=\frac{log\ b}{log\ a}\)
a, b = constants
x = variable
Heart of
\(A \cdot x + B \cdot y = C\) A, B, C = any real number
y = dependent variable
x = independent variable
Standard form
Heart of
\(y = m \cdot x + b\) y = dependent variable
m = slope
x = independent variable
b = y axis intercept
Heart of
\(y-y_1 = m(x-x_1)\) y = dependent variable
m = slope
x = independent variable
b = y axis intercept
\((x_1, y_1)\) = given point
Point-slope form
Heart of
\(m = \dfrac{(y_2 - y_1)}{(x_2 - x_1)}\) m = slope
\(y_n\) = independent variable (point n)
\(x_n\) = dependent variable (point n)
Slope of a line
Heart of
\(f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c\) a, b, c = constants
c = y axis intercept
x = variable
Standard form
Heart of
\(f(x) = a(x-h)^2 + k\) a = constant
h = constant (horizontal shift)
k = constant (vertical shift)
x = variable
Vertex form
Heart of
\(x= \dfrac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4 \cdot a \cdot c}}{2 \cdot a}\) a, b, c = constants
c = y axis intercept
x = variable (x intercept)
Quadratic formula
Heart of
\(x= \dfrac{-b}{2a}\) a, b = constants
x = axis of symmetry
Axis of symmetry

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