Flashcard 2 - Data Analysis and Statistics Flashcard Set for the Math Basics


The correct answer is:

First, order the set. Then find the middle number(s) of the set.


If there are an even number of values in the data set, there will always be two middle numbers. In this case, the median is the average of those two numbers.

Here’s an example with this set \(\{10, \;5,\; 8,\; 3,\; 12,\; 6\}\):

First, order it:

\[\{3,\; 5,\; 6,\; 8,\; 10,\; 12\}\]

Now, cross out numbers on either side until you arrive at the middle.

\[\require{cancel}\] \[\{\cancel{3}, \;\cancel{5}, \; 6, \; 8, \; \cancel{10}, \; \cancel{12}\}\]

There were an even number of values, so the median is the average of the middle two numbers.


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