Portable Hobbies for Truckers
For When You Can’t Sleep Anymore
But First…
It is an unfortunate reality that the first four things an Over The Road (OTR) driver does when he arrives at a shipper or consignee are:
- report to dispatch that he has arrived,
- check in with the shipper or consignee, and
- back up to a door. Then,
- get some sleep in the berth.
Drivers are chronically short of rest. Getting sleep is usually a great idea.
However, there is a limit to how much sleep you can get mid-day. And, occasionally, you will be at a shipper or at a consignee where it takes many hours to get a truck loaded or unloaded.
There are three things to do when you are delayed like this.
- Report to dispatch for detention pay.
- Get a proper amount of sleep. Then,
- Break out a hobby item.
Rest is both sleep and playing with a casual hobby.
Examples—Good and Bad
Obviously, a hobby needs to involve something small, light, portable, and non-fragile.
Examples of convenient hobbies to keep in your tractor:
- a hobby that centers on a laptop computer
- reading
- computer games
- writing
- blogging about your travels (or Facebook)
- watching films/TV
- drawing/sketching/painting
- knitting/needlework/embroidery
- learn to play a musical instrument
- ham radio
- photography
- learn some magic
Examples of inconvenient hobbies to keep in your tractor:
- woodworking
- metal working
- cooking
- model making
- bicycle riding (although, some drivers bring a bicycle with them)
Note: I did my first professional writing while waiting for my trailer to be loaded and unloaded. I would outline my work while driving down the highway. When I arrived, I would get some sleep, then fire up my laptop.
Internet connections are much easier than they were a few years ago. Keeping connected via your laptop is easy. Hobbies that depend on a laptop computer are very popular. Books can be downloaded for later reading.
Some drivers continue their education—even while on the road. Anything small, portable, or computer-based would be a good choice. When you are stopped, you can learn a new language or learn how to code (computer programming). Information about pretty much anything you’d like to learn is available online.
And if you always wanted to find time to improve those English and math skills, here’s an idea: Check out this review at our site. They don’t prepare you for any specific test, but they do help you fill in any gaps you may have in either subject. It might be fun to see how much you know, anyway.
While you’re there, you may find a test you need to prepare for, as well—and all of it is FREE! (What about that new driver trainee you know…we have
study help for the CDL test, too!)
As You Drive
You can only spend so much time looking at the wonderful scenery. Music helps, but there are other choices:
- podcasts
- audio books
- learn a new language
Keeping healthy on the road means keeping rested. Get proper sleep. Have fun with some hobbies. Maybe some self-improvement. Keep your mind occupied.
Keep it safe.
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