General Science Study Guide for the ASVAB

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Earth and Space Science


Geology is the study of the earth, including such large applications as seismic shifts and the formation of mountains, and such small applications as the formation of minute rock and mineral formations. Geology questions will likely be small, involving different types of minerals and natural formations such as mountains, plateaus, plains, and canyons. A rudimentary understanding of such structures and their creation will suffice.

Earth Structure


The Earth is made up of layers that differ in properties and functions. The center of the Earth is the inner core, a solid, mostly metallic sphere of iron and nickel. Surrounding this is the outer core that is mostly liquid metal. Surrounding this is the mantle, a semisolid rock region. Between the mantle and the crust is a layer of moving plates upon which the crust is held. Upon the crust are the continents and oceans.

Related terms to know: inner core, outer core, mantle, crust


The upper mantle and crust form the lithosphere, which is a collection of major plates upon which the crust sits. Due to pressure below the Earth’s surface, and the exchange of heat between the mantle and crust as well as the composition of these layers, the plates upon which the crust rests moves. This process is continental drift and explains the transition from the unified geography of Pangea to the current separation of the continents.

The boundaries between the plates experience heavy friction and geologic activity. Earthquakes and volcanoes are associated with the boundaries between tectonic plates.

Related terms to know: lithosphere, tectonic plates, Richter scale


Igneous rock, sedimentary rock, and metamorphic rock are the three main types of rocks.

Igneous rock is formed when magma or lava cools. A majority of the Earth’s crust is made up of igneous rock. Sedimentary rock is made up of smaller sediments and inorganic material. Metamorphic rock is made when igneous or sedimentary rock are exposed and altered due to changes in temperature or pressure.

Related terms to know: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic


The Earth’s major cycles are the atmospheric, carbon, nitrogen, rock, and water cycle.

Changes in the Earth’s temperature cause changes in the air pressure in the atmosphere, which leads to the atmospheric cycle. This cycle is responsible for the dynamic weather of the planet.

The carbon cycle involves the passage of carbon through the ground, atmosphere, and water. Carbon, like nitrogen and water, is necessary in order for life to function.

The nitrogen cycle involves the transformation of nitrogen to its various usable forms. Nitrogen makes up a large part of the atmosphere, but in order for higher order organisms to use it, it must first be converted into a different form.

The rock cycle describes the way in which the three rock types transform from one type to another. These transformations take place when a rock undergoes a change in external surroundings.


The water cycle describes the movement of water to the atmosphere by way of evaporation and then from the atmosphere to the ground by way of precipitation.


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Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and the ongoing changes that occur within the atmosphere. Much of meteorology aims to predict future weather and climate trends based on the current weather and climate.

Meteorologists study variables like air temperature, air pressure, wind speed, and humidity, as well as the interactions among these variables to derive conclusions about the future conditions of the atmosphere.

Related terms to know: climate, weather, air pressure, air temperature

The Earth’s Atmosphere

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Earth’s atmosphere is a layer of gases that surrounds Earth and makes conditions suitable for life. There are five layers of Earth’s atmosphere: (extending outward) troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere. As you extend outward into space, the air pressure decreases as each layer will be less impacted by Earth’s gravity.


There are three types of weather fronts: stationary, cold, and warm. A stationary front is one that stays, well, stationary. A cold air mass and a warm air mass are going to meet at one another and not move. In a warm air front, a warm air mass is going to collide with and ride over a cold air mass. This brings about long periods of precipitation and warmer temperatures. A cold air mass is where a cold mass of air collides with a warm air mass, pushing the warm air upward causing temperatures to be cooler and leading to things such as thunderstorms and tornadoes.


Clouds are structures formed from water condensation. There are three main types: stratus, cumulus, and cirrus.

Stratus—These are clouds that appear at low elevation. They largely spread out over a large area and typically signal precipitation.

Cumulus—These are medium-level, fluffy clouds that appear flat on the bottom. They usually signal fair weather with the exception of dark bottoms that signal rain.

Cirrus—These are high, wispy clouds that consist of ice crystals. They typically signal fair weather.

Astronomy and the Solar System

Astronomy is the study of celestial objects or, put simply, the study of the sky and heavenly bodies. To study for this portion of the general science exam, focus on simple facts and figures regarding the universe and its occupants.

Our Solar System

A knowledge of all planets in the Solar System, for instance, is pivotal, as well as an understanding of the difference between different types of stars, planets, and moons. You should also include some time to study the effect planetary movements have upon the Earth and other members of the Solar System, such as the manner in which planets rotate around the Earth, the purpose of day and night, etc.

Our solar system is made up of the Sun and all of the space objects orbiting it, primarily the eight planets. The Sun, given its massive size, exerts a strong gravitational force on the objects orbiting it.

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The eight planets in order from nearest the Sun are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each planet has its own gravity and surrounding environment that differs depending on its distance from the Sun.

Related terms to know: planets, sun, moon, asteroids, comets, meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, Kuiper Belt,

Effects of the Earth’s Position

Seasons are caused by the relationship between the Earth’s tilt along its axis and its orbit around the Sun. Two phenomena that occur due to the location of Earth in relation to the Moon and the Sun are lunar and solar eclipses.

Lunar eclipse—This is when the Earth comes between the Sun and the full Moon. When this occurs, the sun’s rays are blocked from illuminating the Moon.

Solar eclipse—This occurs when the Moon goes between the Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth. These occur much less frequently than lunar eclipses.

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