How Does the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Affect My ACT® Testing?
Many students who have been studying and preparing for their ACT® may be wondering how the coronavirus pandemic, or COVID-19, will impact their test dates. This information will help you determine how you may be impacted and what actions you might need to take to secure a future testing date.
The April 2020 Exam Date
Those who were scheduled to take the April 4, 2020 ACT® exam should know that this exam has been rescheduled for June 13. All students who are registered for the April exam will receive information from ACT® to let them know that their test is postponed. They can opt to reschedule, without charge, for the June 13, 2020 date or a different exam date. All instructions regarding rescheduling will be sent to the examinee.
Rescheduling the April Test Date
Those who were registered for the April exam will not be automatically registered for the June 13 exam. They will receive instructions directing them on the steps that must be taken to enroll for that test date. If that date does not work, they may also select a later test date. Currently, the only other national test date that has been set is July 18, 2020.
Possible Refunds
In the event that a student was registered for the April date and they cannot or do not want to take the exam on the June or July test dates, they can request a refund for their registration fee.
High School Seniors
As cancellations may impact many high school seniors who are facing admission deadlines, the ACT® has indicated that they will make all efforts to ensure students are able to meet their deadlines. They also intend to release additional information that may impact graduating seniors as it becomes available.
For further information and updates, consult the official ACT® website.
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