How to Do Well on the ACT Essay

How to Do Well on the ACT Essay

Understanding the ACT Essay

Before diving into strategies to excel, it’s important to understand the structure and requirements of the ACT essay. The ACT essay, also known as the Writing section, is an optional 40-minute test that students can take after the multiple-choice sections. The essay task presents an issue often relevant to high school students and asks examinees to write a persuasive essay that takes a clear stance on that issue, while also addressing and evaluating three different perspectives provided in the prompt. It’s crucial to note that the quality of your argument and the mastery of written English, not your opinion, is what gets scored.

The ACT Essay Scoring System

The ACT essay is scored by two independent graders on a scale of 1-6 across four different domains: Ideas and Analysis, Development and Support, Organization, and Language Use and Conventions. The scores from each grader are added together for each domain, resulting in a domain score ranging from 2-12. These four domain scores are then averaged to give you a final Writing score from 2-12.

Ideas and Analysis

The Ideas and Analysis score reflects your ability to critically examine the topic at hand. Graders are looking for a clear understanding and evaluation of the issue presented, as well as your own insightful perspective on the issue. This domain requires you to address all perspectives given in the prompt, discussing their strengths and weaknesses, and placing them in relation to your own perspective. To score well in this area, you must not only show that you understand the perspectives given but also that you can analyze them in a thoughtful, insightful manner.

Development and Support

The Development and Support domain measures how well you argue for your own perspective and the effectiveness with which you substantiate your argument. A high score in this area requires more than just stating your opinion; you must support it with relevant reasons and evidence. This might include personal experiences, logical reasoning, examples from current events or history, or any other form of support that strengthens your perspective. Additionally, your essay must demonstrate how the evidence provided supports your stance on the issue.


Organization pertains to the overall structure of your essay, the clear presentation of your ideas, and the logical sequencing of your arguments. An essay with good organization has a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should have a clear main idea, and all ideas should be linked logically, leading seamlessly from one point to the next. This requires effective use of transitional phrases and topic sentences to guide the reader through your argument. In essence, the organization score measures how smoothly your ideas flow from one to the next and whether your essay guides the reader logically through your argument.

Language Use and Conventions

Language Use and Conventions covers grammar, syntax, punctuation, and vocabulary. To score well in this domain, your essay must demonstrate a command of standard written English. This includes using a variety of sentence structures, employing a wide vocabulary accurately, and adhering to grammatical rules. This domain also considers tone and style; your essay should maintain a formal tone and demonstrate a style that is engaging, persuasive, and appropriate for the task. Remember, complex language should not be used at the expense of clarity. Your primary aim should be to communicate your ideas effectively.

Tips to Ace the ACT Essay

Understand the Prompt and Plan Your Essay

A well-planned essay is a well-executed essay. Begin by thoroughly reading and understanding the prompt and the three perspectives. Absorb the essence of each perspective, jot down initial thoughts, and identify the commonalities or differences between them. This step should not be rushed. Dedicate a few solid minutes to planning your response and structuring your essay.

Outlining your ideas will help you organize your thoughts, avoid redundancy, and ensure you address all necessary points. An outline can be as simple as a list of the main points you plan to address in each paragraph.

Take a Clear Stance

After understanding the issue and perspectives, formulate your unique stance. You may choose to align with one perspective or integrate elements from multiple perspectives to create a hybrid stance. The key is to ensure your stance is unambiguous and unwavering throughout your essay. Your stance should be stated clearly in your thesis statement, which typically goes at the end of your introductory paragraph.

Address Each Perspective

An essential part of the ACT essay task is addressing the three perspectives provided. Ensure you accurately paraphrase each perspective and explain how they relate to your stance. Discuss the merits and demerits of each perspective in a balanced, objective manner. This evaluation demonstrates critical thinking, a skill highly valued in this task.

Write an Engaging Introduction and a Strong Conclusion

Your introduction should capture the reader’s interest and provide a clear roadmap for your essay. Start with a hook—a surprising fact, a rhetorical question, or a provocative statement—to draw your reader in. Then, introduce the issue and state your thesis.

The conclusion, meanwhile, should reinforce your thesis and summarize the main points of your argument. It should bring your essay to a satisfying close without introducing new information. A strong conclusion leaves a lasting impression and underscores the coherence of your argument.

Use Clear and Effective Language

While it’s good to demonstrate a rich vocabulary, clarity should be your main goal. Use precise and concise language to express your ideas. Avoid unnecessarily complex words or convoluted sentences—they often confuse rather than clarify. Make sure your grammar and spelling are impeccable, and your sentences are well-structured.

Practice Regularly

Writing is a skill that improves with practice. Write several practice essays using prompts available online or from ACT prep books. Time yourself to get used to the 40-minute time limit. Seek feedback on your essays from teachers, mentors, or online platforms—this can provide valuable insights into areas for improvement.

Review and Edit Your Essay

After writing your essay, save a few minutes for revision. Proofreading allows you to spot and correct grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and unclear or unsupported points. Check for variety in sentence structure and ensure your word choice is precise and impactful. Editing is your chance to polish your essay and improve its overall flow and coherence.


The ACT essay might seem daunting, but understanding its structure and scoring system and applying the right strategies can significantly improve your score. With enough practice, you can ace the ACT essay and showcase your writing skills to colleges. Remember, the key is to effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas while engaging critically with the perspectives on the issue.

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