Free Flashcards for the


We know just the mere thought of taking the ACT can leave you feeling stressed, but don’t worry- we’re here to help! Our free flashcards for the ACT test will help make studying for the four ACT test sections quick and simple. Whether you’re using them alone or in tandem with our practice tests and study guides for the ACT, our flashcards are a fun, fast way to help you pass the test and get into the college you’ve been dreaming about attending!

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Sections of the ACT


All of those tricky little rules for English grammar can be confusing, especially after you’ve finished the courses in which they were taught. Since this is part of what is assessed in the ACT English section, practice your recall of correct grammar and usage with these flashcards, BEFORE you take the ACT English Test!

Ready to review the English Flashcards? Go to flashcards


While you are studying for the ACT Math section, why not use our flashcards to bone up on some of the really basic terms and procedures. It will help you to conserve testing time when you know exactly what to do when presented with a problem…sort of a “cut to the chase” tool for studying!

Ready to review the Math Flashcards? Go to flashcards


After that big English exam is over, who needs the vocabulary list and the definitions of all of those English terms? You will, when you take the ACT English Test. It certainly won’t hurt to review a little vocabulary and practice identifying literary devices, such as “alliteration” and “simile” by using these flashcards!

Ready to review the Reading Flashcards? Go to flashcards


When you take the Science section of the ACT, you will interpret, analyze, evaluate, reason, and problem-solve in the natural sciences. We’ve developed some flashcards to help you bone up on some of the basic terms and concepts in preparation for this. Use them to supplement our practice test questions in order to close any gaps in your scientific knowledge.

Ready to review the Science Flashcards? Go to flashcards
Student studying with a cup of coffee

We hope you found our flashcards for the ACT test helpful as you studied for the four multiple choice sections of the test. If you’re into social media (and let’s be honest, aren’t we all?), we’d love to connect on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. We’d love to get your suggestions and feedback about the site, and we also want to know more about you and your journey to becoming a college student. Happy studying!