The ACT: Tips for Studying Vocabulary

The ACT: Tips for Studying Vocabulary

Neither the ACT nor the SAT test evaluates the extent of your vocabulary, as such. Both tests now focus on the correct usage of common, everyday words. They do, however, test your knowledge of words used within a greater context. This means that while the words may look “easier” on the surface, you must be aware of the different ways the word can function in a sentence. For example, when most people think of the word “gravity,” they think of the force that keeps us from floating into the air. However, in the sentence “The gravity of the situation wiped the smile from her face,” the word “gravity” has a much different meaning. When preparing to learn ACT vocabulary, make sure you learn all of the different definitions of a word and how it functions in a sentence.

Here are 10 examples of ACT words, with multiple definitions, that you should commit to knowing before test day:

Bear- 1. To carry or transport 2. To support or prop-up

Crop- 1. To cut short 2. To harvest plants or produce

Delineate- 1. To precisely describe 2. To indicate the exact position on a map

Engage- 1. To become involved in 2. To attract or occupy

Gravity- 1. The force that attracts a body toward the center of the Earth 2. Something of extreme importance or seriousness

Lounge- 1. To relax or sit 2. A public room

Prostrate- 1. To lie with one’s face down 2. Overwhelmed, distressed

Reflect- 1. A surface that throws back sound, heat, or light 2. To consider carefully

Revive- 1. To make popular again 2. To bring back life or consciousness

Wretched- 1. Someone who is unfortunate or unhappy 2. Harsh, poor quality

ACT Vocab Words

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