Question 13 - 11th Grade English Language Arts and Literacy: Writing Practice Test for the SBAC

A student is writing a persuasive essay to the school board about school lunch options. This is a paragraph from that essay. Read the attached paragraph and complete this task:

Which two sentences would be the best pieces of evidence to add to this paragraph?

  1. Reports indicate that up to $5 million dollars a day in uneaten food is wasted in American schools.
  2. Including more cafeteria staff will help increase the ease with which students can move through the lunch lines and get their food.
  3. According to some sources, rates of childhood obesity have tripled in the last thirty years.
  4. Students with food allergies face daily challenges when navigating school lunch options.
  5. Offering vegetarian and vegan options are expensive suggestions.

Schools need to offer a variety of healthy lunch options for students, but those options need to balance nutrition and taste, or students won’t eat them. Schools need to increase the nutritional value of the lunches they offer their students in order to help combat the rise in obesity rates. However, healthy foods that don’t taste good won’t go over well with students. Currently, school aged kids throw away over 35 pounds of food per student each year. Thus, the need for nutritious and delicious lunch offerings is a critical balance schools must find.

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