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The Definitive Practice Test Guide for the CompTIA Security+

About the CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 Exam

The CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 exam is a 90-question test given for certification by CompTIA in the area of enterprise security. The 701 test replaces the previous 601 exam as of July 31, 2024. The current test covers covers these five areas:

  • 1.0 General Security Concepts
  • 2.0 Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations
  • 3.0 Security Architecture
  • 4.0 Security Operations
  • 5.0 Security Program Management and Oversight

The questions are all multiple choice, with some being performance-based questions that require available online tools to answer.

Sections of the CompTIA Security+

SYO-701 General Security Concepts

Questions about general security ideas will occupy about 12% of the CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 exam, but none of them are likely to involve scenarios. Instead, you will need to explain the importance of basic security components as well as compare, contrast, and summarize security fundamentals. Knowing the various types of security controls and how they work will be important. You should also be well versed in the basics of change management and cryptographic solutions.

SYO-701 Security Architecture

Questions about security architecture take up about 18% of the CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 exam. Scenario-based questions about architecture are not very prevalent, appearing at a ratio of about one to four, but you still need to be knowledgeable about the entire security infrastructure and its components. There are multiple strategies for protecting and securing data, and you should be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses in varying situations.

SYO-701 Security Operations

These questions are all about the day-to-day occurrences in an enterprise situation. Questions about these concepts occupy the greatest portion of the CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 exam (28%). Nearly half of them (about four of nine) are based on a given scenario in which you have to choose the best answer for that situation. Many of the ideas tested involve established operating procedures, security guidelines, and other aspects of how security is managed in a given environment.

SYO-701 Security Program Management and Oversight

It’s not enough to have plans and guidelines for security maintenance; there must be a method to assess its success and guidelines for making modifications when necessary. There are various agreements of which to be aware and measurements for monitoring any security program effectively. The CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 exam devotes about one-fifth (20%) of its questions to security program management, and roughly one of every six questions begins with a scenario.

SYO-701 Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations

These questions center on the types of security threats and how to best deal with them. You may see several questions that begin with a scenario in which you have to decide what to do. These topics are assessed in nearly one-fourth of the CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 exam questions (22%), so you’ll need to be an authority on concepts like threat actors and their motivations, as well as types of attacks and vulnerabilities. Additionally, it’s important to be able to recognize indicators of malicious activity and find ways to mitigate them.

What to Expect on Test Day

You should plan to arrive at the testing center before your actual test appointment to allow for registration and related tasks. You will be asked to sign a candidate agreement and present valid identification before you are admitted. Your photo will also be taken.

What to Bring

To take the CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 exam, you will need to present two forms of identification. Call your local Pearson-Vue testing center prior to test day if you have any questions about this. You’ll also need the testing voucher you purchased.

What Not to Bring

There is no need to bring any study materials or writing supplies, as the exam is given entirely online, and these materials will not be allowed in the test center. Also, leave all personal items elsewhere.

Best Ways to Study for the CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 Exam

Take CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 Exam Test Practice Tests

The best way to see how much knowledge you have retained is to try some CompTIA Security+ practice questions about the material you studied. This way, you can also identify any areas in which you may be weak and structure further study accordingly.

Use Alternative Study Methods

Trying to absorb a large body of knowledge, like that assessed on the CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 exam, can get tiresome. Vary your study habits, try some of our flashcards, or join a study group where you can help each other prepare.

Simulate the Testing Experience

On the actual test you will have 90 minutes to complete 90 questions. To practice pacing yourself, use a stopwatch or phone to give yourself one minute per question as you review certain question sections. It may also be helpful to attempt to complete 90 practice questions in 90 minutes to mirror the actual testing experience.

CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 Exam Tips and Tricks

Study for the Right Exam

Be sure you are using study materials created for the CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 exam and not the previously used 601 exam. The material has been completely reorganized, with a number of concepts added and some deleted. You don’t want to waste time studying the wrong things.

Plan Study Time

Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed at the last minute. Plan out sufficient study time during the months before the exam. You may want to divide things into the five major sections and study that way. However you decide to do it, have a plan and follow through.

Use All Available Resources

Don’t limit yourself to one book or one set of practice questions. Utilize every form of preparation you can find when getting ready for this test. Practice questions, flashcards, study guides, and study groups are all valuable means of preparation.

CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 Exam FAQ:

1. Can I retake the CompTIA Security+ SYO-701 exam if I don’t pass the first time?

In the event you do not achieve a passing score for your first testing attempt, you may pay to retake the test at any time after that. If you need to test a third time, you must wait 14 days before doing so.

2. What do I do with personal items during the testing time?

You should plan to not bring any but the most necessary personal items to the test. Some testing facilities have provisions for storage, but call your testing center to verify this.

3. How important is it that I sign the candidate agreement?

If you don’t sign this agreement, you will not be allowed to test and you will lose your paid testing fee.