Common Disease Suffixes

Common Disease Suffixes

With thousands of known illness that plague humanity, even seasoned a medical professional will occasionally encounter a disease they have never heard of before. Knowing root words such as a prefixes and suffixes can be a great help in identifying what area of the body is affected. Here is a list of 20 common suffixes related to disease.

-algia related to pain
-cele herniation or swelling
-emia related to blood
-itis inflammation of
-lapse to slide or fall
-lepsy attack or seizure
-lysis breakdown or separation
-megaly enlargement
-osis disease process or condition
-oma mass or tumor
-partum related to birth
-phagia related to swallowing
-phobia fear of/sensitivity to
-pnea related to breathing
-ptysis related to spitting
-rrhea discharge or flow
-sclerosis hardening
-stasis to stop or control
-trophy nourishment or development
-version to turn

Common Disease Suffix

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