Question 24 - Reasoning Through Language Arts Practice Test for the GED Test

Which correction should be made to the sentence marked (4) in the attached text?

(1) Believe it or not, it is more than possible to make a film in 48 hours. You won’t get a feature-length blockbuster for your efforts, but you will get a short film of around 5 minutes and a lot of memories because it’s such a unique experience. This how-to guide serves as a rough introduction to making a 48-hour film. (2) The first thing you probably kneed to do is to go to the store and buy some caffeine because you won’t be getting much sleep. Before you begin, it is important to evaluate your assets. (3) See what you have, available to you in terms of locations, equipment, crew, and cast. Successful films don’t always require fancy sets, exotic locations, or A-list actors; some of the most poignant films are those the audience can really connect with because they can relate to the characters and their struggles. You will need the technology necessary to film and record both the audio and visual and the programs to edit and compile everything into a completed masterpiece. Many of these programs can be found online and are free or low-cost.

(4) Once the clock has started ticking, the first thing to do is to create a story. Keep in mind the assets you have axes to. (5) You should then right a screenplay and a shot plan—examples of these can be easily found online. When all is set, it’s time to shoot your film. (6) You don’t need anything overly advanced to begin, although, it’s probably recommended that you record your visual and audio content onto different devices. The audio portion of the shoot is just as, if not more important than the visual or picture portion. Most video cameras that amateur filmmakers have access to do not have sufficient audio recording capabilities. Environmental factors including wind and background noise can also affect audio quality. So, recording audio and visual on different devices allows you to set up the best environment for audio recordings to ensure it’s clear and easy to understand.

(7) After filming, you have to get your footage onto the computer. How you go about doing this depends on the type of camera you have used. (8) Next is the editing process, which may take up the majority of your time. Unfortunately, it is very unlikely that your editing process will be less then 18 hours long. (9) One of the first tasks you may encounter in post production is to synchronize your sound clips with your visual ones. You then have to edit, which can be done in any program, ranging from free software to professional programs with monthly fees. (10) When you have finished, all you have to do is to render and export, and you got yourself a 48-hour film! Now it’s time to set up your film’s release and invite all of your friends and family to a viewing party!

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