Question 14 - Reasoning Through Language Arts Practice Test for the GED Test

Which of these corrections should be made to the sentence marked (4) in the attached text?

Resumes are an employee’s ticket to landing an interview for a desired job. A resume is a short piece of writing that summarizes your educational and work history and gives potential employees a sense of who you are, what experience you have, and what skills might transfer successfully to their company. Because resumes are a first impression of you, they should be polished and professional. Poorly formatted, incomplete, or inaccurate resumes do not make a good first impression and will likely not land you an interview for your dream job.

(1) Want your resume to stand out from the rest? When writing a resume, the last thing you want is a format that puts an employer off! This simple how-to manual will guide you to creating a good-formatted resume. (2) To begin, select a professional font, since the text is the first thing that your perspective employer will read. (3) Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri with a text size of 11 or 12.

(4) Next to avoid having your text appear too cramped or far apart, you need to set up a margin of 1 inch around the page. It’s recommended that your line spacing is 1.5 inches. (5) You then need to create a heading, which should contain information such as your name, address; date of birth, and contact details. (6) This should stand out from the rest of the resume, so you should put it in size 14 or size 16 font.

(7) Finally, list all of your content in a chronological or formulaic order. Also be sure to list your employment and educational history, as well as any qualifications, skills, and references. (8) You could also wish to include examples of voluntary work or awards received to boost your resume.

(9) Once you’ve wrote it, it’s important to check your resume for spelling and grammatical errors. (10) If you don’t take the extra time to proofread you’re work, it may be discarded by a reader whose job it is to scan for errors in submissions.

Remember, a resume does not get you a job. Your resume gets you an opportunity for an interview for a job where you can elaborate on the generalities listed in your resume and share specifics about how you would be a great fit for the company or organization to which you are applying. But without a strong resume, you probably won’t move ahead in the interview process and you’ll never have the opportunity to dazzle them in person.

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