Flashcard 6 - Math Flashcard Set for the CBEST


The correct answer is:

Area = \(π \cdot radius²\) or \(πr²\)

Circumference = \(π \cdot diameter\) or \(πd = 2 \cdot π \cdot radius\) or \(2πr\)


Circumference measures the distance around the circle and is computed by multiplying a unique number called pi, or π, with the circle’s diameter.
Here is a handy tip about the circumference of any circle: Pi or π is defined as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
In equation form, this becomes: π = Circumference/diameter.
Thus, \(C = π \cdot diameter\).

Area measures the internal surface of a plane, including circles, and is computed by multiplying pi with the radius squared.
Thus, \(Area = π \cdot radius²\).

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