Question 15 - Reading and Writing Practice Test for the PSAT/NMSQT Exam

Based on the passages provided, how would the author of Passage 2 respond to the work of the Toys for Tots Foundation as explained in Passage 1?

Passage 1

Literacy is the foundation for success in life, and it starts with early access to books in childhood. Unfortunately, children in low-income families have very limited access to age-appropriate books.

The Toys for Tots Literacy Program was established in 2008 as a year-round effort to offer our Nation’s most economically disadvantaged children the ability to compete academically and to succeed in life by providing them direct access to books and educational resources that enhance their ability to read and communicate effectively. “This Program not only brings the joy of reading to these children, but it also serves as an important tool in breaking the cycle of poverty,” says Lieutenant General Jim Laster, USMC (Retired), President and CEO of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. “Our goal is to dramatically change the landscape for less fortunate children and provide books and educational resources to ensure their future success,” he adds.

Since its founding, the Program has delivered more than 53 million books to children in low-income communities and Title I funded schools across the United States. Last year, the Program delivered a record number of over 6.3 million books to disadvantaged children—breaking the cycle of poverty one book at a time.

Passage 2

Range of Reaction is the theory that each person responds to the environment in a unique way based on their genetic makeup. According to this idea, your genetic potential is a fixed quantity, but whether you reach your full intellectual potential is dependent upon the environmental stimulation you experience, especially in childhood. Think about this scenario: A couple adopts a child who has average genetic intellectual potential. They raise her in an extremely stimulating environment. What will happen to the couple’s new daughter? It is likely that the stimulating environment will improve her intellectual outcomes over the course of her life. But what happens if this experiment is reversed? If a child with an extremely strong genetic background is placed in an environment that does not stimulate him: What happens? Interestingly, according to a longitudinal study of highly gifted individuals, it was found that “the two extremes of optimal and pathological experience are both represented disproportionately in the backgrounds of creative individuals”; however, those who experienced supportive family environments were more likely to report being happy (Csikszentmihalyi & Csikszentmihalyi, 1993, p. 187).

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