Question 4 - Management of Care Practice Test for the NCLEX-RN Exam

A nurse is assigned five patients on a medical surgery floor. There are two LPNs and one nursing assistant also working the shift. Which of the following interventions are appropriate to delegate to the supportive nursing staff? Select all that apply.

A. auscultating breath sounds on a 70-year-old client with emphysema

B. changing bed linens on a 44-year-old client while he is in radiology for an MRI

C. assisting a 83-year-old client with history of unstable gait to the restroom

D. administering IV Toradol (Ketorolac tromenthamine) to a 56-year-old recovering from a stroke

E. taking vital signs on a 65-year-old client whose blood pressure was last 80/46

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