Question 8 - Reading Practice Test for the AHIEE

Based on the passage provided, all of the following are changes the Arctic fox undergoes during the transition to winter except ____.

The Arctic fox, also known as a white fox, polar fox, or snow fox, is a small fox which lives in the Arctic. The fox is about 10-12 inches high (25–30 cm) and it weighs from 6.5 to 21 pounds (2.7-4.5 kg). The females tend to be smaller than the males. The Arctic fox has a round body shape, short nose and legs, and short, fluffy ears. It has a deep thick fur which is brown in summer and white in winter. Arctic foxes live for about 3 to 6 years.

This fox can live in the cold north even when it is -30°F. Their thick fur keeps them warm. The fur of the Arctic fox provides the best insulation of any mammal. Its broad, fluffy paws let it walk on ice and snow to look for food. The Arctic fox has very good ears so that it can hear small animals under the snow. When it hears an animal under the snow, it jumps and punches through the snow to catch its victim. Arctic foxes are omnivores. They feed on lemmings, arctic hares, fish, birds, eggs, fruit, insects, small seals, and carrion.

Arctic foxes do not hibernate. They grow thicker fur in the Autumn, and put on more than 50% of their body weight as fat for insulation and as energy reserves.

Arctic foxes form pairs in the breeding season. It takes 53 days for the pups, sometimes called kits, to grow in the mother before they are born. Litters are born in the early summer. The mother can produce 5-8 kits, and sometimes as many as 25 pups. Both the mother and the father help to raise their young pups in a large den under the ground. The pups are born with brown fur. As they grow older, their fur turns white. The young females leave the family and form their own groups and the males stay with the family.

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