Question 33 - Workplace Documents Practice Test for the WorkKeys

What does the text mean when it says “Opportunities for Staff Operations Officers to serve multi-year postings overseas exist, but these positions are competitive”?

From a job posting for Staff Operations Officer, CIA

About the Job As a Staff Operations Officer for the CIA, you will provide the seamless integration between CIA Headquarters and Directorate of Operations (DO) offices in the field necessary to drive clandestine operations to success. Your effectiveness, versatility, and resourcefulness as a Staff Operations Officer is critical to the success of the DO’s most creative, challenging, and impactful operations.

Staff Operations Officers apply advanced knowledge and expertise of clandestine operations, operational trade craft, and intelligence priorities when providing strategic guidance and operational case management. In addition, Staff Operations Officers are responsible for program management throughout the DO, from traditional operational activities to specialized initiatives and Covert Action. The demanding pace of DO has Staff Operations Officers finding solutions to complex operational problems, identifying new technical tools and capabilities to advance operations, and tapping the resources of the DO, CIA, and U.S. Government to ensure operational requirements are met. Staff Operations Officers provide objective reviews of on-going and potential operations and serve as the vital link between DO officers in the field, CIA Headquarters, and the Intelligence Community.

Many Staff Operations Officers will spend much of their career serving in the Washington, DC area having opportunities for overseas travel. Opportunities for Staff Operations Officers to serve multi-year postings overseas exist, but these positions are competitive.

All DO officers are hired at an entry level and train as they are expected to work – as one team. DO officers begin their careers spending one to two years learning the foundations of clandestine operational trade craft via classroom training, practical exercises, and on-the-job experience gained through a series of interim assignments. Following successful completion of the foundational training, each DO officer will transition into advanced training activity to prepare them to serve effectively in their respective career occupational specialty.

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