Question 12 - ELAR: Reading Practice Test for the TSIA2

Which of the following best describes the tone of the attached passage?

While America may not appear to have the kind of hunger that is pervasive in other countries, that’s not to say it doesn’t exist.

Hunger remains a concern for millions of Americans, and for people who are “food insecure,” the average reported need for food has increased, based on data from Map the Meal Gap 2017, a new report released by Feeding America, a non-profit hunger-relief organization.

The report describes the cost of food and food insecurity in communities across the United States.

Food insecurity is defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a lack of access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all members of a household.

According to the USDA, the number of Americans identified as food insecure decreased from 50 million in 2009 to 42 million in 2015. Still, Map the Meal Gap finds that the individuals who are food insecure report needing an average of nearly $530 more per person in 2015 to afford enough food, representing a 13 percent increase since 2008.

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