Question 2 - 11th Grade Mathematics: Geometry Practice Test for the SBAC

The diagram provided shows a circle with a center at \(A\). \(\angle ADB\) is a right angle. \(\overline{EC}\) is a line segment. Points \(A\) and \(D\) lie on this segment. Segment \(\overline{AE}\) has length \(x\), segment \(\overline{BD}\) has length \(y\), and \(\angle BAC\) has measure \(m\) degrees.

Which of these statements justify/justifies the conclusion that \(\overline{AB} \cong \overline{AC} \cong \overline {AE}\)?

  1. They are all radii of the circle.
  2. They are all segments in the same circle.
  3. They all have an endpoint on the circle and the other endpoint at the center.
1 3 Circle with Parts

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