Question 20 - Writing and Language: Career and Humanities Practice Test for the SAT Exam

Which of these sentences should the author include at the end of the final paragraph of the attached passage, which has been reproduced here?

In the modern world, the theory of evolution is often credited as the most recent rift between scientists and religious believers. However, many moderate scientists and non-fanatic Christians feel no opposition toward one another at all. Both sides have been seen to make compromises toward the other and respect the other side’s differing beliefs. (19)Many Christians for example, believe that while God created the world, evolution still has a part in the universe. It seems that when a closer look is taken, only fanatics from both sides are proliferating the idea of science and religion as opposing forces. (20)

Science and religion are hot-button issues that have been widely debated in the United States, or so the media would have people believe. It is commonly thought that science and religion have been opposing schools of thought throughout history, but a look at the thinkers of the past prove this belief wrong. Contrary to popular opinion, research shows that science and religion were considered equally important to the Ancient Greeks and beyond. (16)Science and religion have been intertwined throughout history, only landing on opposing sides in the modern world as the media exploits any opportunity for a sensational conflict.

Philosophers in Ancient Greece were some of the first thinkers to combine science and religion in their studies, believing that the study of science was the same as studying creation. When Europe began to shy away from science in favor of religion, Islamic scientists kept the Greek studies alive with no sign of tensions between religious and scientific ways of thinking. Eventually, science was accepted in Europe again and it was once more taught in conjunction with religion. Many famous scientists are known for their religious affiliations, including Roger Bacon, a monk and scientist. (17)

Of course, it cannot be argued that Europe underwent a period of religious dogma in which leaders believed that only the bible should be used as a basis for fact and truth. Any question of the literal nature of the book was deemed heresy and many scientific thinkers suffered for their postulations. Still, historical documents show that there were still many other scientific and religious thinkers during this time. Many believe that the tensions were not as prolific as most have come to (18)believe, famed scientists such as Nicholas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, and Isaac Newton were all religious men who found no trouble combining their faith with their scientific beliefs.

In the modern world, the theory of evolution is often credited as the most recent rift between scientists and religious believers. However, many moderate scientists and non-fanatic Christians feel no opposition toward one another at all. Both sides have been seen to make compromises toward the other and respect the other side’s differing beliefs. (19)Many Christians for example, believe that while God created the world, evolution still has a part in the universe. It seems that when a closer look is taken, only fanatics from both sides are proliferating the idea of science and religion as opposing forces. (20)

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