Question 3 - Reading and Writing Practice Test for the PSAT/NMSQT Exam

The word feigns, as it is used in the passage provided, most nearly means ____.

An excerpt from “Nature” by Emerson

Nature is always consistent, though she feigns to contravene her own laws. She keeps her laws, and seems to transcend them. She arms and equips an animal to find its place and living in the earth, and, at the same time, she arms and equips another animal to destroy it. Space exists to divide creatures; but by clothing the sides of a bird with a few feathers, she gives him a petty omnipresence. The direction is forever onward, but the artist still goes back for materials, and begins again with the first elements on the most advanced stage: otherwise, all goes to ruin.

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Look for words like most nearly, (most, more) likely, most clearly, most closely, usually, typical(ly), often/most often, (most) commonly, leading, particularly, and probably in questions. They indicate that you should look for the best answer, not necessarily the only possible one.

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