Which of the following statements from the attached passage is an opinion?
From Posting personal experiences on social media may help you remember them in the future
A new study—the first to look at social media’s effect on memory—suggests posting personal experiences on social media makes those events much easier to recall. “If people want to remember personal experiences, the best way is to put them online,” said Qi Wang, the lead author of the study and professor of human development in the College of Human Ecology.
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Memory researchers have long known that when people write about personal experiences, reflect on them or talk about them with others, they tend to remember those events much better. “The process of writing about one’s experiences in the public sphere, often sustained by subsequent social feedback, may allow people to reflect on the experiences and their personal relevance,” the study said.
“The process of writing about one’s experiences in the public sphere, often sustained by subsequent social feedback, may allow people to reflect on the experiences and their personal relevance,” the study said.
A new study – the first to look at social media’s effect on memory – suggests posting personal experiences on social media makes those events much easier to recall.
“If people want to remember personal experiences, the best way is to put them online.”
Memory researchers have long known that when people write about personal experiences, reflect on them or talk about them with others, they tend to remember those events much better.
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