Question 27 - Writing Practice Test for the PERT

Choose the paragraph in the attached document that has the sentences in the best order.

Grandma was always the best at telling stories. Sometimes she exaggerated just a bit. She loved to regale anyone who would listen with stories of her childhood growing up on a rural farm in eastern Canada. For example, she loved to tell stories about her two cows, Hershey and Abeline. Abeline produced delicious milk, but Hershey was the neighborhood favorite because she produced chocolate milk!

Grandma was always the best at telling stories. She loved to regale anyone who would listen with stories of her childhood growing up on a rural farm in eastern Canada. Sometimes she exaggerated just a bit. For example, she loved to tell stories about her two cows, Hershey and Abeline. Abeline produced delicious milk, but Hershey was the neighborhood favorite because she produced chocolate milk!

For example, she loved to tell stories about her two cows, Hershey and Abeline. Grandma was always the best at telling stories. Sometimes she exaggerated just a bit. Abeline produced delicious milk, but Hershey was the neighborhood favorite because she produced chocolate milk! She loved to regale anyone who would listen with stories of her childhood growing up on a rural farm in eastern Canada.

She loved to regale anyone who would listen with stories of her childhood growing up on a rural farm in eastern Canada. Grandma was always the best at telling stories. For example, she loved to tell stories about her two cows, Hershey and Abeline. Abeline produced delicious milk, but Hershey was the neighborhood favorite because she produced chocolate milk! Sometimes she exaggerated just a bit.

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