Question 34 - Reading Practice Test for the PERT

The audience for the attached passage would best be described as ____.

New Remote Learning Resources Support School Year Uncertainty

The Covid-19 pandemic has driven education for children of all ages from school to home, and often a hybrid of both. As remote learning stretches into the new school year in many areas, parents are worried, with parents of young children especially concerned about writing. More than half of parents of young children (54 percent) say that “writing is the area of greatest concern,” in terms of remote learning, according to a survey conducted by Learning Without Tears (LWT), a company that has been providing writing and other educational materials to parents and teachers for more than 40 years. Parents faced with remote learning want to know how to develop and improve their children’s handwriting without the guidance of a teacher in a classroom setting. “Whether you are employed outside the home, or a stay-at-home parent, remote learning is challenging. Some subjects, like handwriting, are particularly difficult without a teacher’s direct instruction, which creates a lot of angst at home,” says Lana Dugdale, from Southborough, MA, mother of three young kids, including a rising first-grader. LWT is meeting the home-based learning challenges with improved and innovative updates to its classic and proven products. “It’s clear now that too many students were left behind as the country moved to distance learning,” says Terry Nealon, CEO of Learning Without Tears. “During a child’s elementary years, any gap in learning can result in setbacks that impact that student for the rest of his/her life. Learning Without Tears has always focused on improving learning outcomes; we don’t have to accept those gaps.” To enhance remote learning, families can choose from a range both digital and print resources: activity books geared towards various elementary school grades, including books on letters and numbers, printing, and cursive, as well as keyboarding programs. In addition, with sharing materials out and hand sanitizer in, individual manipulative packs for hands-on learning are the ideal solution for single student use in the classroom, or for parents opting for homeschooling in small groups or pods. Need more handwriting resources? There’s an app for that. Designed to help young children learn the correct way to form letters and numbers and to show parents how to support that learning, LWT has launched “Wet, Dry, Try,” for use on an iPad. With over four hours of instruction and technology that identifies individual student needs, the app provides a multisensory approach, with customized audio instructions that give teachers a way to monitor student progress remotely, when they can’t be in school. Learning loss during school shutdown has parents, teachers, and kids worried, stressed, and looking for solutions, and LWT resources are improving this unsettled situation. So teachers can be as effective remotely as they are in the classroom, LWT’s +Live Insights – its platform that brings all of its solutions together for in-school, at-home, and hybrid teaching – facilitates crucial data-driven individualized student instruction, as well as “whole class” gallery approach that was typical of remote teaching in the spring. The only thing certain about back-to-school this year, is its uncertainty. Visit for more information about early education products and resources for families and teachers to weather the new world of remote learning and beyond.

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