The term “junk science,” is best defined as ____.
The following is an excerpt from a chemistry textbook, explaining pseudoscience and some related terms.
Another term, junk science, is often used to describe scientific theories or data which, while perhaps legitimate in themselves, are believed to be mistakenly used to support an opposing position. There is usually an element of political or ideological bias in the use of the term. Thus the arguments in favor of limiting the use of fossil fuels in order to reduce global warming are often characterized as junk science by those who do not wish to see such restrictions imposed, and who claim that other factors may well be the cause of global warming. A wide variety of commercial advertising (ranging from hype to outright fraud) would also fall into this category; at its most egregious it might better be described as deceptive science.
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science conducted by fake scientists that the user is blowing the whistle on and exposing it as a fraud
science that may be valid, but is considered by the user to be fraudulent or flawed
science that doesn’t really prove anything
science that evaluates claims used in advertising and sales
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