Question 19 - Reading Practice Test for the PERT

The narrator is hoping to hire 20 men to sail on his ship. When this passage begins, how many has he found to employ?

I wished a round score of men—in case of natives, buccaneers, or the odious French—and I had the worry of the deuce itself to find so much as half a dozen, till the most remarkable stroke of fortune brought me the very man that I required.

I was standing on the dock, when, by the merest accident, I fell in talk with him. I found he was an old sailor, kept a public-house, knew all the seafaring men in Bristol, had lost his health ashore, and wanted a good berth as cook to get to sea again. He had hobbled down there that morning, he said, to get a smell of the salt.

Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island. Cassell and Company, 1883. Print.

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