Question 5 - Reading Comprehension Practice Test for the HESI Exam

Which of these statements cannot be inferred from the attached passage?

An allergy is defined as an “immunological hypersensitivity to a specific external stimulus” or, simply put, an exaggerated response of the immune system to a substance that is foreign to the body. Patients with allergies are called “atopic” or, more popularly, “allergic”. The diagnosis of an allergy is mainly clinical and it can be aided by skin allergy tests and laboratory examinations.

Skin allergy tests are fast, practical, and can be done in an allergy and immunology provider’s office. While skin tests are generally sufficient to confirm a diagnosis, doctors may also request complementary laboratory studies for further confirmation. These blood tests may diagnose an increase in white blood cells or antibodies for common allergy triggers, such as pet dander, grasses, and molds. Blood tests may help confirm or exclude the possibility of an allergy and, consequently, reduce adverse reactions caused by unnecessary medication. A correct diagnosis, along with proper treatment based on the valid results of allergy tests, will help reduce or eliminate the incidence of symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life.

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