Free Flashcards for the


Sometimes, it’s all those little terms that can throw you on a test question. That’s why we include free flashcards for the GACE test in our prep materials. We hope you’ll use them to review some of those terms and procedures you’ll need to know for the GACE test. Don’t forget to try out our free study guides and practice questions, too.

Table of Contents

Sections of the GACE

Test II Health Education, Physical Education, and the Arts

There are numerous terms and teaching procedures with which you need to be familiar in the areas of physical and health education and the arts. Use these flashcards to check your progress in this and to review some of the most important ones.

Ready to review the Test II Health Education, Physical Education, and the Arts Flashcards? Go to flashcards

Test II Mathematics

Elementary school math covers a lot of ground, translating into a huge number of terms and teaching procedures. Don’t let any of these trip you up on the test. Use these flashcards to review some of the most important concepts.

Ready to review the Test II Mathematics Flashcards? Go to flashcards

Test II Science

Elementary school science instruction is full of terms and specific procedures. These flashcards will help you review some of the most important ones and really be ready for this test. Use them to be sure you know the concepts thoroughly.

Ready to review the Test II Science Flashcards? Go to flashcards

Test I Reading and Language Arts

There are many specific terms and procedures used in elementary education, and you’ll need to be fluent in those related to reading and language arts instruction. Use these flashcards to study some of the most important ones so they don’t trip you up on test day. For additional review, check out our free practice questions and study guides for all sections of the GACE Elementary Education tests.

Ready to review the Test I Reading and Language Arts Flashcards? Go to flashcards

Test I Social Studies

Teaching social studies at the elementary level may not be as thorough or strenuous as that on higher grade levels, but it still covers a lot of ground. You’ll need to be really familiar with numerous terms and teaching procedures. Use these flashcards to review some of the most important concepts.

Ready to review the Test I Social Studies Flashcards? Go to flashcards
Student studying with a cup of coffee

Now that you’re secure in your knowledge of some of the most important terms and ideas you’ll see on the GACE test, go out there and ace that thing! We’re dying to hear how it goes for you, so be sure to let us know by reaching out on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. If you’d rather send us an email, you can do so at We’d love to hear from you!