Question 17 - Subtest III: Physical Education Practice Test for the CSET Multiple Subjects Test

How could Mr. Brown modify this assignment to make sure students of all ability groups are included and challenged in the games? Refer to the attachment for more information.

Mr. Brown is teaching his high school physical education unit on advanced aerobic activities. In an effort to provide students the opportunity to practice these skills in a real-world setting (as outlined in the state standards), he has planned an “endurance games” event in which students will have options to compete in a variety of aerobic events. In preparation for the event, students are responsible for the following:

  • Researching and explaining the relationship between good biomechanics and aerobic activities
  • Choosing which endurance events will be included in the event
  • Creating a training plan for the two aerobic events in which they will compete
  • Assisting with the logistics of planning the “endurance games”

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