The intended audience for this writing is probably ____.
The Cat’s Cradle Improving Agricultural Productivity and Economic Viability through Improved Understanding of Natural Systems by Lynn Saunders
(1) Like the traditional cat’s cradle string game, the hydrological, carbon and nitrogen cycles are interconnected and any one change affects the whole. (2) These complex cycles support life as we know it. (3) Humans have intervened in these natural cycles for thousands of years and just as practices based on ignorance or limited knowledge have resulted in the degradation and collapse of natural systems, recent developments in agricultural practices are restoring natural processes and improving productivity while also reducing input costs.
(4) In Australia, the Carbon Farming Initiative has been rewarding good agricultural practice with Australian Carbon Credit Units since 2011. (5) By December, 2014, ten million ACCUs had been issued. (6) Recent developments in satellite technology will soon make it possible to see both good and poor agricultural practice from space. (7) Restoring life to landscapes will change agricultural land from a major source of emissions to a sink for greenhouse gasses.
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those interested in more sustainable farming practices who are concerned about the environment
government officials who subsidize farmers and write legislation affecting small farms
business professionals concerned with their stock market portfolios, which may include commodities such as wheat or soybeans
farmers who are unsure what crops to plant in order to yield the best harvest
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