Question 21 - Paragraph Comprehension Practice Test for the ASVAB

From this passage, the reader would know that 1965 was an important year because ____.

In 1965, a television show aired that would become a Christmas classic for many families. It was called “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” This television movie has the distinction of being the cartoon special to run for the longest time in television history and has been shown every year since its debut. This tradition began when an ad agent for Coca-Cola contacted producer, Lee Mendelson. Peanuts had just been featured on a 1965 cover of Time Magazine and the agent told Mendelson about a documentary about Peanuts creator, Charles Schulz. Mendelson was asked if he had ever thought about producing a Peanuts Christmas special. The producer, wanting to appear on top of his game, assured the agent that he had. Hurriedly contacting Schulz, Mendelson met with him the next day and they created the story.

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